Monday 27 June 2016


Hello Chaps, Mojo here,
I’ll be taking over the blog spot at MJOFOTO where the food photography really is top banana, and the commercial photography is pretty darn good too!
So then, by way of an introduction I’ll tell you a bit about myself. Don’t worry I’ll spare you the rather expansive (and if I do say so myself, rather impressive) family tree.
I’m a very British sort of a chap. I most definitely would not describe myself as a ‘cheeky chimp’ as I’m sure I once heard someone mutter – but rather a refined gentleman of mainly monkey heritage.
I’m afraid to say that, very occasionally, despite my very best efforts, a rather less refined and much more mischievous strand of my DNA shines through and I find myself in a spot of bother. Nothing I can’t manage though…with my connections.
Since starting work with the team at MJOFOTO – I have if I do say so myself, become an invaluable member of the team and have developed quiet the ‘photographers’ eye’. But then, it’s all just a matter of taste really.
I have already been an integral part of food photography shoots and look forward to sharing my experiences with you in future blog spots. For now though, I’ve been seconded to the marketing department to help with the new look website.

Tally ho chaps! I must go!