Saturday 30 July 2016

Friars Farm

Hello chaps!

I have recently visited Friar’s Farm ( in Northampton with MJOFOTO Food & Commercial Photography, in the latest instalment of my summer of foodie fun.

The chaps at Friars Farm are a fine foodie example of what can be achieved with a bit of elbow grease. These fine fellows started out a few years back with an inherited plot of land with the unexpected addition of twenty years worth of fly tipping added in to the bargain. With determination by the spade full, the site was cleared and became a fully fledged small holding, housing livestock and produce.

Friars Farm  not only ‘grow their own’  to be made in to a variety of award winning chutneys, jams and sauces, but they also have a hand in most of the foodie goings on in Northamptonshire and take a pride in helping foodie fledglings to find their feet and spread their wings.

They are instrumental in many of the food fares including the Northampton Town Show and are also the proud suppliers to many fine Northamptonshire foodie establishments. I may have to extend my tour, just to make sure they are properly positioned on the shelves…

Start the car Jeeves..!

Tally ho chaps!


Banana daiquiri anyone?

Good morning chaps! This week I have been on a chauffeur driven weekend away. No, unfortunately not the banana daiquiri on a white sandy beach kind of get away, but rather a ‘stock image’ kind of weekend with MJOFOTO Food and Commercial Photography.

Not so exciting you may think? Well, again my good fellow, I’m afraid you’re labouring under a misapprehension: Not only were the chaps at John Mower good enough to host myself and a team of photographers, but also took me to the local drinking establishment, where, indeed, they serve banana daiquiris!

The stock images of which I speak are, of course, destined for the eyes of the most refined clients in the world of food, including stores such as Harrods. (In hind sight, I’m sure I remember seeing some of the exotic loveliness on the shelves the last time I popped in for a few essentials.)
My friends at John Mower also supply some of the best celebrity chefs and restaurants with their wares, facilitating some of their best culinary creations. Unfortunately, my visit didn’t extend to being able to try these amazing delights this time around – can you believe they don’t have a butler!? Who doesn’t have a butler these days?

Staffing issues aside, I rather enjoyed my trip to John Mower ( and look forward to working with them again soon. I wonder who makes their tea with no butler to speak of..?

Tally ho chaps!


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Foodie for thought

Hello chaps!

I was musing just the other day, how important good product images are - particularly food images.

Not to get too technical on you, but food images in particular have a massive impact on perception of taste - which in turn has a huge impact on buying decisions. They do, in fact, increase consumption rates by around 45%. Yes, I'm a monkey on the know, you know!

Of course, I know how tight funds can be when the trust fund has run dry and the family silver has all been sold ( I only blog to keep the bananas coming in,) and I know that cash can, indeed, flow in the wrong direction for many a small business. However, sales equals survival:

So, my suggestion to the chaps of MJOFOTO Food & Commercial Photography was this - how about we hold a pop up studio for the day in the wonderful town of Northampton for all the lovely foodie (and drinkie) chaps. We could hire a top notch Town Centre location and invite all the wonderful foodies in to have their wares professionally photographed. I've suggested dividing the day(s) up into half an hour and one hour slots at £50 and £100 respectively. (I'd suggest the longer slot where props would need to be arranged)

We can make it as simple or as complicated as it needs to be. We can have a food stylist and development chef on hand too, if it helps. We also have a lovely graphic designer 'on the inside' if need be.

Please do let my people know your thoughts foodies and we'll go on your nod.

UPDATE! Book your space now with a DM

19th Sept at Brampton Grange, Chapel Brampton, Northampton - POPUP STUDIO. First come first served. Place will be limited to allow us to do our job properly! Deposit required at time of booking.

Saturday 23 July 2016

Waders and rubber gloves

Hello chaps!

Once again, I’ve been on my chauffer driven travels on behalf of Mjofoto. This time to sample the delights of St Helens and to visit the good chaps of Aquasource.

Aquasource are just the kind of fellows you need to know if you happen to be a carp sort of a person. Not only do they know as much as there is to know when it comes to taking the very best care of your scaly companions, but they are also suppliers of just the kind of equipment that will keep them in tip top condition.

The mission that Mjofoto chose to accept, was to photograph a selection of rather top notch machinery, equipment and products that are destined to appear on Aquasource’s new website. The last time I had someone else check, it wasn’t up and running yet, but if you’re a carp fan, feel free to keep an eye out, if you don’t yet employ a maid for such things. (

I am partial to an ornamental pond myself and will be sure to mention the chaps at Aquasource to my butler. .. Although, it is rather amusing watching him in waders and rubber gloves…

Tally ho chaps!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Gentleman of refined taste seeks ladies of adventurous spirit

Hello chaps!

Todays adventures with Mjofoto saw me visiting my pals down at The Beer Garage.

You should think of The Beer Garage as the beacon of light on your journey through the treacherous world of beer. A lighthouse, if you will, to steer you in the right direction towards your perfect beer. And Laura, Lady Beer herself, as a friend and confident along the way. A tour guide of the highest standard.

She tells me there is a beer for everyone, and of course my reply was banana shaped – Laura immediately pointed me towards a caramel flavoured beer from Hawaii called ‘Big Wave’. Food matching is something of a passion at The Beer Garage and Laura has a suggestion for every occasion. I, of course, will give my butler her number and never again expect to be served miss matched or ill-judged beer with my meal. (Jeeves –take note!)

The Beer Garage are particularly keen on encouraging the ladies of adventurous spirit to take the Beer Journey, open minded and ready to try something new. Remember - there is a beer for everybody – somewhere. And it is quite possible that it is residing in The Beer Garage right now! There is a huge array of ‘girly’ beers on the market, from fruity beer to earl grey infused beer. If you’re not sure, Laura is always on hand. Even if you think you know what you want – I’d still recommend running it past the chaps at The Beer Garage. They may just know something you don’t. (I suspect MI5 connections, but I can’t be sure)

The Beer Garage are based in Northampton. They supply local restaurants and can also deliver directly to the public, so there really is no excuse not to dive into beer, girly or not! Simply inform you butler of the expected delivery date, and have him on hand to take your beverages directly to your refrigeration unit.

You can find The Beer Garage at

Mojo (gentleman of refined taste and mainly monkey heritage) and/or MJOFOTO Food and Commercial Photography, can not be held responsible for any hangover(s) you may suffer as a result (directly or indirectly) of reading this blog or visiting the above web address.
Thank you.

Tally ho chaps!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Monkey of mystery

Hello chaps!

Just call me Mojo – International Monkey of Mystery!

I have just accompanied a crack team of food and commercial photographers from Mjofoto down to leafy Surrey on a top secret mission: To photograph new food offerings and charismatic chefs in action, rendezvousing at the HQ of one of the world’s largest firms.

Being a gentleman of refined taste, I can tell you that the scrumptious output from that kitchen was to die for. And the food images leaving the editing team were nothing short of fine art. Just a shame that they haven’t yet learnt to make them taste as good as they look.  (Sorry about the bite marks – you can’t blame a chap for trying.)
I will have my people schedule the release of taster images, just as soon as we have the green light from mission control.

Until then chaps, this mission is classified. On a need to know basis. I’m running out of spy quotes!

This blog will self destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2…

You might want to stuff bananas in your ears!

Tally ho chaps!


Sunday 3 July 2016

My Grumbling Tummy

Good morning chaps! Mojo here.

In light of the marvellous goings on at Northampton Town Show this weekend, and being rather influenced by my grumbly tummy, I am hunting for lovely local foodies to feature in my blog spot.

Now, of course, we all know that the way to a gentleman’s heart is through his (in my case, ever expanding) tummy, and as a refined gentleman of impeccable taste, I know that Northamptonshire has some of the very best artisan producers of fabulous food and delectable drinks. And I think it’s high time I shared their loveliness with others that will appreciate them.
I, of course, am no stranger to a well manned dinner party, and can tell you with absolute certainty that locally produced deliciousness goes down rather well. I am yet to find a local banana grower mind you.

Not only is Northamptonshire blessed with amazing food producers, but also wonderful restaurants, gastro pubs, cafĂ©’s and bistros of every possible ilk,  as well as the foodie heroes that teach these amazing skills to the rest of us mere mortals. Now, whilst it is my mission in life to never eat a dull meal, try as I might, I’m not sure I will get to visit every one of them – though a chap does struggle on, trying to…I feel it is my duty.

So, in conclusion chaps, of today’s short but meaningful ramblings, if you and your business are of the foodie persuasion and would like to feature in my blog spot – please do drop me a line. (Just a comment on the post is all that is required.)

I must be off, it’s almost time for my elevenses and I’m sure I saw some banana bread in the kitchen.

Tally ho, chaps!
