Sunday 3 July 2016

My Grumbling Tummy

Good morning chaps! Mojo here.

In light of the marvellous goings on at Northampton Town Show this weekend, and being rather influenced by my grumbly tummy, I am hunting for lovely local foodies to feature in my blog spot.

Now, of course, we all know that the way to a gentleman’s heart is through his (in my case, ever expanding) tummy, and as a refined gentleman of impeccable taste, I know that Northamptonshire has some of the very best artisan producers of fabulous food and delectable drinks. And I think it’s high time I shared their loveliness with others that will appreciate them.
I, of course, am no stranger to a well manned dinner party, and can tell you with absolute certainty that locally produced deliciousness goes down rather well. I am yet to find a local banana grower mind you.

Not only is Northamptonshire blessed with amazing food producers, but also wonderful restaurants, gastro pubs, café’s and bistros of every possible ilk,  as well as the foodie heroes that teach these amazing skills to the rest of us mere mortals. Now, whilst it is my mission in life to never eat a dull meal, try as I might, I’m not sure I will get to visit every one of them – though a chap does struggle on, trying to…I feel it is my duty.

So, in conclusion chaps, of today’s short but meaningful ramblings, if you and your business are of the foodie persuasion and would like to feature in my blog spot – please do drop me a line. (Just a comment on the post is all that is required.)

I must be off, it’s almost time for my elevenses and I’m sure I saw some banana bread in the kitchen.

Tally ho, chaps!


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